ROC# 282700/305145

How Long Do Solar Panels Last on Your Roof

With an increase in popularity of solar power systems for home use, solar panel installation has been growing steadily in the last few years. A big concern for homeowners is the question of, how long do these solar panels actually last? An important factor when considering the installation of a solar power system is cost. When investing thousands of dollars for solar power installation, even with possible government incentives, you want to know the panels are resilient and will last a long time. Let’s take a look at how long solar panels will last on your roof so you will be prepared and will know how to maintain them for as long as possible.

Your Roof Matters

Before you have solar panels installed and move forward with a new solar power system, it’s very important to have your roof inspected. According to Shelton Roofing, people often make the mistake of scheduling solar panel installation and find out later that their roof needs repaired or replaced.

At Solar Solution AZ, we perform a thorough roof inspection before we install or engineer any solar panels to go on your roof. If any damage is found, we can help you work with a reputable roofing contractor for repairs. This precautionary measure lets us warranty the portions of your roof that your solar impacts for a full 25 years.

Taking care of roof damage or replacing your old roof prior to the installation can greatly affect the number of years your panels will last on the roof. With the way you can save money with solar power, a thorough roof inspection fee and even making a few repairs if needed is worth the cost to prevent heavier charges in the future if the roof collapses or you must replace panels damaged by a bad roof.

The Past Life Expectancy of Solar Panels

Several years ago, it was determined that solar panels could last for up to 25 years. Most warranties offered only went up as far as 20 years and sometimes 25 years depending on the company doing the sales and installation. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) initially suggested that on average, solar panels would see a 1% decrease in power production as each year passed.

What We Know Today

That figure has changed over the years and today it has been determined that on average, with proper installation and care, most solar panels are only seeing an annual decrease of .5% or less. With this new figure, solar panels are now expected to last an average of 30 to 40 years. With new designs today, solar panels are better equipped now than ever before to resist cracking that damages cells which often happens during soldering when the panels are built. Cells that have cracks will react as a panel that is shaded and can cause a loss of energy.

It is important to make sure you have regular maintenance and make repairs as soon as they are needed. Most warranties today still go to 20-25 years although the panels have a life expectancy to last up to 40 years when well-maintained. A warranty will guarantee that the level of power won’t drop below 80% for the time span of the warranty whether the system is large or small.

At Solar Solution AZ, all our solar panel systems carry a full warranty for 25 years. This covers all necessary maintenance and repairs, including labor fees, for the life of the solar panel system.

Increase the Time

As a homeowner, there are steps you can take to help increase the time your solar panels will last. These include:


Keep the solar panels clean and free from debris. If you have large trees near the house, keep them cut away so branches cannot fall onto the panels.

Items in the Yard

This brings us to things that can damage the panels. Scratching can really cause issues with solar panels, and the worse the scratches are, the more problems you may have with them. Again, keep trees cut back and make sure nothing is in your yard that can be blown onto the roof during storms or heavy winds. Sometimes it is not possible to prevent things like this from happening but taking steps to prevent it does help.


Solar panels are primarily maintenance-free, however, there are some things you can do to increase your power production. Clean your panels by spraying them off with a garden hose, when dirty, in the early evenings, or in the morning before the sun fully comes out. Do not clean your panels when they are very hot to avoid any risk of cracking. Keep leaves and other debris swept away, and make sure to keep all tree branches trimmed back from your solar panel system. Never touch the wiring when you are cleaning your panels!

When properly installed and maintained, a solar panel system can easily provide clean power for the next 25 years. Be sure to choose a solar installation company that performs a thorough roof inspection before installation of the solar panels, and offers a comprehensive warranty. Warranty length is typically a good indication of solar panel installation quality. That is why we strive to offer the longest, most comprehensive warranties in the industry.

Call the experts at Solar Solution AZ today to learn more! (520) 858-0220

Are Solar Panels Really Free in 2018? Will the Government Pay For My Solar?

What is all this about the government paying for your solar panels?

We have all heard the pitch before. “Get free solar from the government!” or “The federal government will pay you to put solar panels on your house!

There is a lot of truth to this statement, but the whole “free solar” thing is misleading at the very least.

The basis for this claim is that most solar programs require no money down and no out-of-pocket expenses upfront. The first bill or payment you will receive comes after your solar is installed and is typically less expensive than your current electric bill and will (at least mostly) replace your electric bill.

This does not mean the solar is free, but instead, it is less expensive than electricity through the utility company.

For those of you more familiar with financial lingo, this is called cash-flow positive. It means that there was no “hit’ on your finances or no money out of your pocket, but you will see immediate savings.

For instance, if your electric bill is $150, then with going solar, you would have a $0-20 electric bill and roughly A $110 solar payment. You would be saving at least $20 a month the very first month and more as electricity rates increase.

This is made possible by the solar federal investment tax credit. If you pay income taxes, then the federal government will effectively pay for 30% of your solar panel system. This makes solar power much cheaper than what you are currently paying to TEP/TRICO/APS/SSVEC/UNISOURCE.

The Arizona State government also pays a flat $1000 tax credit on the value of a solar panel system as well.

Most investors consider this a very lucrative financial decision, even a no-brainer.

Why have the electricity company middle-man your power and charge whatever they want? Take control of your electricity usage by making your own clean power for much less than the electric utility!

Give our solar experts a call at (520) 858-0220 to see how much you will save today!

Solar Panels in the Winter

Over the years, we’ve installed our solar panels in each and every season, we’re always asked “What About Solar Panels in the Winter?” So we thought we could answer a few of those in advance. Here are some answers to our most frequently asked questions about solar panel performance during the winter months.

How do solar panels perform in winter?

Since solar panels work with light, not heat, it doesn’t matter how cold it gets outside. In fact, solar panels perform better in cooler temperatures than in very hot temperatures. With pretty much continuous sunshine throughout the year here in Tucson, there are 0 problems with lack of energy conversion.

Since it’s so cloudy in the winter, will my solar panels produce any electricity at all?

Yes. Even when it’s cloudy outside, your solar panels will still produce electricity. As long as there is light, your system will convert it into clean energy. Since the days are a bit shorter, you won’t produce energy for as long as you would during long summer days.

What if it snows?

When Solar Solution Az installs your panels are in the best position to get the maximum amount of sunlight possible; usually, your system will be installed facing the south, west, or southwest. Since the panels are smooth, snow doesn’t stick to them as it would to rough roof shingles, so it typically melts or slides away quickly and easily on its own. So the 1 to 3 inches  (in a blizzard here in Tucson) we MAY get, there would be no issues regarding your panels or energy output.

What about big shifts in temperature between night and day?

Extreme shifts in temperature can wreak havoc on conventional solar cells and panels, if you ever had a question about extremes in the weather, see our roads. When the temperature is above freezing, rain can seep down into the asphalt. When the temperature drops below freezing, the water that seeped into the asphalt freezes and expands, causing cracks and potholes. Solar hot water cells can crack from extremes in temperature, but photo-voltaic solar cells (the kind that power your home) are very unlikely to ever crack or be damaged from extremes in temperature.

For any other questions regarding Solar Panels in the winter contact us immediately at 520-858-0220.

How Do Solar Panels work?

Most everyone knows thе іmmеnѕе роwеr оf thе sun, іtѕ hеаt and nоw, іtѕ utіlіtу is being ѕсіеntіfісаllу proven by thе vаrіоuѕ wауѕ іn whісh ѕоlаr еnеrgу саn bе utіlіzеd. Have you ever wondered how solar panels work? Read on as Solar Solution Az offers a brief technical point of view.

The better wау tо harness ѕunlіght and gеnеrаtе electricity for residential оr businesses іѕ by uѕіng ѕоlаr раnеlѕ. It is a grеаt аltеrnаtіvе, mауbе the bеѕt wау tо avoid hіgh еnеrgу соѕtѕ and thаt іѕ the rеаѕоn why the gоvеrnmеnt, іn general, has been еnсоurаgіng hоuѕеhоldеrѕ tо determine the роѕѕіbіlіtу оf installing ѕоlаr раnеlѕ on thеіr hоmеѕ. But bеfоrе tаkіng thе step to buу the ѕуѕtеm, іt is hеlрful tо knоw hоw a solar раnеl wоrkѕ.

The fоundаtіоn оf ѕоlаr еnеrgу technology іѕ a рrіnсірlе knоwn аѕ thе photovoltaic еffесt. It is a сhеmісаl reaction thаt hарреnѕ on the cell surface whеn thеу are еxроѕеd to ѕunlіght. Thе core material used іn рhоtоvоltаіс сеllѕ іѕ silicon. The ѕіlісоn іѕ a semiconductor material, аnd its сrуѕtаlѕ аrе аѕѕеmblеd under a glass рlаtе. Whеn lіght асhіеvеѕ the ѕоlаr сеll, іt is аbѕоrbеd by thе silicon whісh thеn ѕtеmѕ a сhеmісаl reaction thаt releases рhоtоnѕ. Thіѕ phenomenon happens within thе сеll and ultіmаtеlу wіll create a current of еlесtrісіtу. The presence of mеtаl соntасtѕ аt the bottom and tор оf the photovoltaic сеll allow this electrical сurrеnt to bе hаrnеѕѕеd to power ѕоmе еlесtrоnіс devices.

Thе solar panel іѕ соmроѕеd оf a grоuр оf іndіvіduаl рhоtоvоltаіс сеllѕ whісh are ѕеаlеd using a wеаthеrрrооf frame. It ѕееmѕ оbvіоuѕ, but a unіԛuе photovoltaic сеll рrоduсеѕ juѕt a ѕmаll аmоunt оf еlесtrісаl сurrеnt, thеrеfоrе when thеrе is аn аrrау оf thеѕе сеllѕ соnnесtеd wіthіn a раnеl thе ѕum оf thе соmbіnеd еlесtrісаl output frоm several рhоtоvоltаіс cells саn generate еnоugh power to supply a ѕmаll building. Althоugh, before using thе еlесtrісіtу сrеаtеd, thе direct сurrеnt оr DC generated frоm thе photovoltaic сеllѕ hаvе tо pass through аn іnvеrtеr tо bе соnvеrtеd іntо AC whісh is the uѕаblе аltеrnаtіng сurrеnt thаt can bе harnessed іmmеdіаtеlу tо роwеr аррlіаnсеѕ, еlесtrоnісѕ, etc. Thе ѕurрluѕ energy саn bе ѕtоrеd in bаttеrіеѕ, or іt can rеturn to thе electricity grіd, оf соurѕе, you wіll get уоur share rеgаrdіng profit, оr аt least a dіѕсоunt on уоur bill.

Thе solar раnеl structure іѕ vеrу ѕtаblе аnd durаblе, mainly bесаuѕе there are nо mоvіng соmроnеntѕ which make the rеԛuіrеmеnt fоr mаіntеnаnсе tо bе mіnіmаl. And thаt is nоt аll, because, аѕ ѕоlаr tесhnоlоgу evolved аnd mоrе research hаvе bееn mаdе іn thе field, now we fасе rеаlіtу whеrе рhоtоvоltаіс сеllѕ have a muсh hіghеr еffісіеnсу аnd the соѕt tо рrоduсе the cells аrе a lot lоwеr. And thаt іѕ only роѕѕіblе duе tо thе lеѕѕ uѕаgе оf ѕеmісоnduсtоr mаtеrіаl іn thе process оf mаnufасturіng each оf the рhоtоvоltаіс сеllѕ. Mауbе thіѕ іѕ the mаjоr rеаѕоn whу the оrdіnаrу hоmеоwnеr is wіllіng tо uрgrаdе hіѕ electrical installation аnd turn іt іntо a grееn аnd renewable еnеrgу ѕuррlу bу іnvеѕtіng in ѕоlаr роwеr fоr thеіr home.

Anоthеr reason fоr соnѕumеrѕ tо dесіdе оn іnѕtаllіng solar раnеlѕ іѕ rеlаtеd to thе rеduсtіоn іn carbon footprint, but many of thеm аrе аlѕо іntеrеѕtеd іn rеduсіng роwеr bіllѕ. Besides thаt, thе іdеа оf gеnеrаtіng a ѕurрluѕ еnеrgу аnd ѕеllіng it bасk tо thе grіd ѕоundѕ compelling.

Are Solar Panels Really Free in 2018? Will the Government Pay For My Solar?

What is all this about the government paying for your solar panels?

We have all heard the pitch before. “Get free solar from the government!” or “The federal government will pay you to put solar panels on your house!

There is a lot of truth to this statement, but the whole “free solar” thing is misleading at the very least.

The basis for this claim is that most solar programs require no money down and no out of pocket expenses upfront. The first bill or payment you will receive comes after your solar is installed and is typically less expensive than your current electric bill and will (at least mostly) replace your electric bill.

This does not mean the solar is free, but instead, it is less expensive than electricity through the utility company.

For those of you more familiar with financial lingo, this is called cash-flow positive. It means that there was no “hit’ on your finances, or no money out of your pocket, but you will see immediate savings.

For instance, if your electric bill is $150, then with going solar, you would have a $0-10 electric bill and roughly A $120 solar payment. You would be saving at least $20 a month the very fist month and more as electricity rates increase.

This is made possible by the solar federal investment tax credit. If you pay income taxes, then the federal government will effectively pay for 30% of your solar panel system. This makes solar power much cheaper than what you are currently paying to TEP/TRICO/APS/SSVEC/UNISOURCE.

The Arizona State government also pays a flat $1000 tax credit on the value of a solar panel system as well.

Most investors consider this a very lucrative financial decision, even a no-brainer.

Why have the electricity company middle-man your power and charge whatever they want? Take control of your electricity usage by making your own clean power for much less than the electric utility!

Give our solar experts a call at (520) 858-0220 to see how much you will save today!

5 Reasons to Go Solar

Living in the Southern part of Arizona has its advantages…consistent warm weather, proximity to California, some beautiful scenery, relevantly close vacation destination (Mexico), and about 286 days of sunshine per year. For those of us in solar energy, that’s like pennies from heaven, a never-ending supply of energy we can use for our homes. It’s important to remind ourselves of the main core reasons to go solar. So that withstanding, here are 5 reasons to go solar in no particular order..because they’re all important.

Reduce Your Electricity Bill

If this is news to you, you may have arrived here accidentally. It’s by far the number one reason people look at going solar for the home or business in the first place. Some homeowners can reduce their rates by more than 60 %, on average you will reduce your electricity bill by 40% or more.

Helping the Environment

It is true you can help protect the environment by adding solar panels to your home, but by how much? That’s an easy one for us. According to the most recent EPA study, the average American home emits about 20 metric tons of carbon a year. To put that into some perspective, this study claims that the average vehicle creates about 4-5 metric tons a year. So, 4 cars equal 1 home. Adding solar panels to your home reduces this carbon footprint by 4-5 tons annually, so it’s like getting rid of a car that runs on gas.

Improves Home Value

Never once have we heard, that having solar panels on the home I just bought was a real pain. It just doesn’t happen. Though it may be true that people sometimes wrestle with the decision to go solar, people seem to be excited when they look to buy a home that already has the functionality installed..who wouldn’t want lower electric bills.

Protecting Yourself From Rising Energy Cost

We’ll use that as our benchmark since about 60% of electricity is created by coal. So to keep this relative, the average home price in Arizona is about $175,000. In 1970, the average home price was $62,000. An increase of about 180%. Not really that bad…coal prices have increased about 1400%. That’s the equivalent of the average Arizona home costing close to $1,000,000.00. With solar, you can protect yourself over the long haul against rising energy costs.

Create Jobs Locally in a Growing Industry

Most solar companies, like Solar Solution Az, are locally owned and operated. The solar industry has led the way over the past decade in creating jobs faster than almost any other industry in the United States.

These are just a few of the many reasons people should go solar in their home or business, after reviewing our site, we’re sure you’ll find your own reasons.

Home Values Increase With Solar Panels

There are a lot of ways that you can improve the value of your house, but there are fewer ways to improve the value of your house while making your budgeting concerns less than they are before you start that investment. Home values increase with solar panels. With solar panels, you will find not only a reduction in your energy bills but at certain parts of the year, you may be able to generate enough electricity that you can sell the excess back to the power company. Do you want to increase the value of your house and improve your life all at the same time? Read on!

Will Solar Panels Make Your Home Attractive to Buyers?

According to a study conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, researchers found that potential home buyers were willing to pay more for homes equipped with customer-owned solar. When you get to the point where you are looking to sell your house. you will find that buyers will be impressed with your solar panels. Not only that, but many buyers will be more interested in your house because it is going to be less reliant on the energy providers. This will help you to get a better selling price when you do decide to sell your house. This is because everyone that wants to save on their energy prices will be willing to pay the extra money in order to have those solar panels to help them reduce their expenses every month.

When you have solar panels, you have to make sure that they are exposed to the sun’s light. If they are dirty or covered by snow, then you will not generate solar power at all. This can be relieved by proper care and maintenance. After all, you are making an investment and you want the best return you can possibly get from your solar panels when it’s time to re-sale your home.

For more information about the value of solar, contact Solar Solution AZ!

Solar and LED Lighting go Hand-in-Hand

Solar panels and LEDs: Peanut Butter and Jelly

Solar power and energy efficiency are generally touted as two alternative solutions to our energy and environmental crises. But in fact, rather than being in competition with one another, it is actually only the two of them working in tandem that has the ability to get us out of this mess. In other words, it is a case of both … and, rather than either … or.  Solar lighting and energy efficiency go together hand in hand like peanut butter and jelly. Read on below to find out why.

As the threat of resource depletion and human-induced climate change looms over us, many people and businesses are now piling solar panels atop their roofs in order to light up their houses. Unlike electricity sourced from fossil fuels, solar-powered lighting generates no carbon emissions or other harmful pollutants. It relies SOLELY on the free, clean energy supplied by the sun, which it effortlessly converts into a form that can be utilized as light by homes and businesses when it gets dark. Solar is certainly making major inroads into the energy market, and this is due in no small part to government initiatives designed to create a financial climate favorable to solar, for example, tax credits, installation discounts, feed-in tariff schemes, and the like. And as the supply of solar power continues to increase, this pushes the cost down even further, making it more and more affordable to households and businesses.

Better Together: Solar and Energy Efficiency

This may seem like great news for those of us who have the future and well-being of the planet at heart, but actually, many environmentalists are worried that the preoccupation with alternative lighting and energy is actually distracting attention away from energy efficiency and conservation, which to their minds is the REAL solution to our energy and environmental crises. Instead of increasing supply, as this school of thought holds, we should be reducing our overall demand for energy. We can do this by retooling our appliances to require less power or replacing energy-hungry devices with ones that are less energy-intensive and have higher efficiency ratings (for example, phasing out incandescent lights in favor of LEDs – the latter emit the same amount of light as the former, but consume far less energy). We can also turn devices off when not in us. Insulate and weatherstrip our windows, walls, attics, and doors to better retain warmth, reducing the need to have heaters running constantly. Redesign our buildings so that they can better capture the natural warmth of the sun (again reducing the need for heating), and the like. In addition, we can go the ‘conservation’ route, simply training ourselves to ‘go without’, thus putting on an extra layer of clothing when it is cold instead of running the heater, drinking a glass of iced water instead of turning on the air conditioner on hot summer days, or reading a book for entertainment instead of watching energy-guzzling television. These are all straightforward measures that can drastically reduce our energy usage.

Energy Efficiency Multiplies your Solar Savings!

The energy efficiency advocates claim that this is ultimately the far cheaper and more effective option than for example ramping up the supply of solar PV panels, even when you factor in the government incentives encouraging the uptake of solar. After all, the key issue here is that solar suffers from the very serious problem that it only works when the sun is shining! And our electricity requirements just happen to peak in the morning and evenings, whereas solar energy output peaks in the middle of the day! Whilst it is true that battery and storage options exist that enable us to utilize solar energy after dark, and when it is cloudy, they are still quite limited in their capacity. And so solar energy on its own is still quite limited in its potential. Energy efficiency measures are needed to smooth out the dips and peaks in the electricity demand and solar energy output cycles. Moreover, focusing on energy efficiency measures will actually make solar power more accessible and affordable to the majority of people: by reducing the overall amount of energy we require to meet our needs, this in turn will serve to minimize the required size and thus cost of solar lighting systems. At current, many people are dissuaded from going solar because they use their own excessive electricity usage as a benchmark for what they will need in the way of solar panels. Solar power is prohibitively expensive for many people because of their wasteful consumption patterns, not because of solar itself! So that is why the energy efficiency advocates favor conservation over expanding supply. The problem is, though, if the majority of government support goes to solar-powered lighting initiatives, as seems to be the case at the moment, energy efficiency will get neglected and fall by the wayside, and none of this will occur.

But then what does this have to do with our thesis outlined at the beginning of this post? Well, the point is that the arguments of the energy efficiency advocates prove – unknowingly, and despite their intention – that solar-powered lighting, like solar walkway lights for example, and energy efficiency are actually partners in crime! It is not a matter of choosing energy efficiency instead of solar-powered lighting: as we have just seen, energy efficiency measures make solar power more viable, and solar power in turn gives energy efficiency its meaning. After all, fossil fuels are a finite energy resource and will have to be replaced. All the energy efficiency measures in the world won’t make a lot of difference if we aren’t able to develop alternative energy sources – like solar-powered lighting. The two don’t actually stand in conflict with one another; in fact, they go together hand in hand.

Give us a call today and let our energy experts slash your electric bill (520) 858-0220!

How Solar Can Help the Environment

Solar power is always with us. We believe that what we do is important. With that, we have decided to create a series of short articles on how solar can help the environment. If you have any questions or concerns afterward, feel free to contact us to discuss what you can do as well.

How Solar Can Help the Environment

Even when it is cloudy and/or overcast, not that we see that much around here, the sun is still there providing us with energy. If you know anything about solar already, then you know solar panels are constantly storing some amount of energy by garnering photons in their photovoltaic cells. So without getting too technical in the science of it all, we’ll start by explaining how solar helps the environment.   Since solar panels are constantly being hit by sun rays, solar panels are just absorbing the energy rather than taking it from burning fossil fuels through a pretty unfriendly (environmentally) process, solar panels are one of the most environmentally beneficial ways to generate electricity. the average nonsolar home creates about 7 metric tons of CO2 per year. Whereas, a home using solar energy, runs closer to 1.5 metric tons per year.

What about production pollution?

So a common misconception on the production of panels creating more pollution than it reduces has long been a myth, as cited here by the United States Department of Energy.

“An average U.S. household uses 830 kilowatt-hours of electricity per month. On average, producing 1000 kWh of electricity with solar power reduces emissions by nearly 8 pounds of sulfur dioxide, 5 pounds of nitrogen oxides, and more than 1,400 pounds of carbon dioxide. During its projected 28 years of clean energy production, a rooftop system with 2-year payback and meeting half of a household’s electricity use would avoid conventional electrical plant emissions of more than half a ton of sulfur dioxide, one-third a ton of nitrogen oxides, and 100 tons of carbon dioxide.”

The study concludes, “PV is clearly a wise energy investment with great environmental benefits!”

How can I promote solar power?

You can start by investing in your own solar power. If you own your house you could install solar panels on your roof that will be able to collect solar power most of the year. You can also create a small solar farm in your yard if that is more to your liking.  You may only be one person, but your impact always makes a difference.

To be continued…We will continue to educate and inform on the many areas of solar, including how solar can help the environment in your own backyard!

Is Solar Power Right for Me?

Is solar energy the right choice for me and my home?

More and more homeowners are making the switch to clean energy every day. I’m sure you’ve seen your neighbor with solar panels down the street; keep an eye out if you haven’t. They are everywhere!

A Solar Solution AZ, we have helped over 2,000 Arizona homeowners make the switch to affordable, renewable energy. While helping these homeowners, we have developed a few questions to determine whether solar energy will be beneficial to you and your home:

Do you own your home?

Do you plan on staying in your home for the next few years?

Do you pay more than $50 a month in electricity bills?

Do you want to increase the value of your house?

Do you want to have more money every month than you do now?

Do you want to help our planet and local economy?

If you answered yes to these questions, then the power of the sun may be just what you are looking for to achieve your financial goals.

However, there is a bit more to look into to make sure that you and your house are ready for solar panels. This is where having an expert solar installer on your side is incredibly valuable. Your solar installer should help you evaluate these key items, your answers will help shape your consultant’s recommendation:

What direction does your roof face?

Does your roof receive any shade during the day?

What size is your main electrical service?

Is your roof in good condition?

Keep in mind that there is no right answer to these questions, but they are crucial to help your solar installation partner determine the best program for your needs. It may be helpful to write down your answers to these questions so that you can review them with your solar consultant.

The next step is the most important. To get the most accurate information applicable to your unique scenario, it is best to sit down with an energy consultant, get a personalized recommendation and review your options from there. Our energy experts are hand-picked by our family and have over 1,000 hours of experience on average in designing and consulting solar electric systems.

Call today to get your custom home energy analysis! (520) 858-0220


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