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types of solar farms

Three Different Types of Solar Farms

Did you know that multiple types of solar farms contribute to clean, sustainable, local power? Combined with solar panels on individual buildings, these farms help the world transition to healthier, more environmentally-friendly living. Solar Solution AZ, your local solar power expert, connects homeowners to a residential solar contractor in Arizona to help advance this goal.

What Is a Solar Farm?

You might know about solar panels and how they can contribute to clean energy without harmful waste or emissions. You might even be considering your own solar installation to improve your energy footprint. You may not know, however, that solar energy is quickly scaling up into large operations that are essentially solar power plants.

A solar farm is a large-scale installation that depends on hundreds of photovoltaic panels to capture and store the sun’s energy to power homes and businesses and strengthen the power grid. Let’s look at the three most common solar farms and how they work.

Three Common Solar Farm Types

You’re in the right place to learn more about the solar industry and the efficacy of solar farms in producing renewable energy. Below, we cover the three most popular types of solar farms: microgrids, distributed generation, and utility-scale installations.

Type #1 – Microgrids

A microgrid is a smaller version of large-scale solar energy generation and storage installation. Communities and vital facilities can depend on connecting to a local microgrid with battery storage to continue receiving clean power during outages and bad weather.

Microgrids contribute clean energy and energy storage to enhance the resiliency and stability of the power grid. Newer versions of microgrids no longer depend on diesel and now use clean, green technology as a power source.

Type #2 – Distributed Generation

Distributed generation solar farms are in the mid-size range of power generation and are available in multiple sizes. These energy generation systems are typically near the end-user and aim to improve the flexibility of the energy infrastructure.

A distributed generation solar farm can be as small as a rooftop installation or large enough to provide for a whole community. This versatility makes distributed generation solar farms viable in many locations.

Type #3 – Utility-Scale

The utility-scale types of solar farms are a valuable solution for utility companies looking to strengthen their infrastructure with power purchase agreements. These are generally large-scale solar farms that generate one gigawatt or more for wide-scale distribution.

Utility-scale operations cover multiple acres of land with solar panels that harvest the energy and transmit it to the utility company for sale to its commercial and residential customers.

Contact the Residential Solar Professionals

Are you ready to take a step toward cleaner, greener energy for your home, business, or community? Solar Solution AZ is ready to help you along the path to eco-friendly energy.

After learning about the different types of solar farms, you might be interested in installing solar panels. Learn the truths behind the most popular myths about solar energy and contact Solar Solution AZ by calling 520-858-0220.


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